| | - Name Rosemary D. Quilling
Room Number: M121A -
Building: M Block -
Campus: Westville -
Email Address: Quillingr@ukzn.ac.za -
Work Phone: +27 (0) 31 260 3287 -
Second Life: Resomyra Felwitch -
IM: Skype, MSN -
Appointments: To be arranged using one of the channels listed here |
I am passionate about exploring social computing or Web 2.0 technologies, like Facebook, Myspace, flickr, Second Life and youtube because they are redefining how we communicate and create information: in business, education and even while socialising or searching for entertainment. The McKinsey Quarterly report (December 2007) highlights four of the top eight technology trends to watch, being those related to ''Managing relationships''. The top two are directly related to Web 2.0 functionality. In addition, these platforms allow education to move into a virtual-social context not previously available. Now as lecturers, we can become the guides in the exploration and facilitation of learning; by leveraging these platforms to their full extent and allowing students' access to as many tools, and sources of information, as they require to make their learning meaningful. These technologies are both the content (the things I talk about?) and the vehicle of my teaching (the things I use?). I am also fundamentally interested in how teams and groups of people work together in these environments so would like to communicate and potentially collaborate with other researchers with similar interests. A list of my research outputs are available here.
Research: NextEd
I am co-founder of the NextEd Global Initiative (NEGI). The NextEd philosophy is to provide a collaborative environment where all participants collaborate on an equal footing, and contribute and benefit in a collaborative style. As such the objective of NextEd is to employ Web 2.0 technologies that foster and enhance collaborative learning. For more details about NextEd please refer to the vision document available here.
Recognition for NextEd includes:
The paper, co-authored with Craig Blewett, in July 2008 on our work was awarded the ''Best Paper'' award at the South African Computer Lecturers Association (SACLA) -
In December 2008 the School of IS&T was awarded R120,000 when Craig Blewett won an IBM Faculty award in recognition of the quality of the NextEd program and its importance to the IT industry -
In March 2009 NextEd-Africa received approx. R1.2 million from the African Association of Universities (AAU) to launch the project into Africa. |
Additional press release information is available here.
I have taught courses in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Currently I am lecturing the honours CMC and Special Topics courses. The list of topics and students I have supervised can be found here.
Qualifications: - B Sc. (Comp Sc. & Geog)
- B Sc. (Hons) (Geog) cum laude
- M Com (IST) by Dissertation, ''Multidisciplinary Teams in Information Systems'' summa cum laude
Professional Memberships: -
Computer Society of South Africa (CSSA), Member (MZ) since 2 September 2002. Membership No:Q007705. - South African Institute of Computer Science and Information System Technologists (SAICSIT), Member since 27 February 2003. Membership No.: 0483M.
- Listed in the MISRC/AIS Faculty Directory, March 2004. This is a directory of Information Systems Faculty and Researchers from around the globe. The Directory is supported by AIS, the Association for Information Systems.