Mobile & Personal Information Systems (ISTN7MP) – 16 credits
Offered at: Westville (second semester), Pietermaritzburg (second semester)
Prerequisite Requirement: Acceptance into the Honours Programme
Aim: Students will acquire an understanding of why and how traditional data management, application development and user interface design techniques have been adapted for mobile information systems.
Content: Topics to be covered include: Mobile and network OS; databases of mobile objects; mobile database management system; Mobile information sharing; desktop-to-mobile adaptation of user interfaces; context-awareness of mobile devices; mobile vs. personal and social context; development of mobile applications for Android environment.
Practicals: Computer-based exercises on the above topics.
Assessment: 3 hour examination (40%), project/assignments (40%), tests (20%). Students must obtain at least 40% for the examination.
For further information, please refer to the College of Law and Management Studies handbook.