| Surname | Name | Supervisor | Qualification | Research Topic |
 | Abatan | Omatayo Kayode | Prof Manoj Maharaj | Master of Commerce | Planning Identity Management for Telecommunication in South Africa |
 | Achmad | Dean Alain | C Blewett | Master of Commerce | |
 | Arumugam | Harold | Prof Manoj Maharaj | Master of Commerce | Managing Computer Fraud and IT Risk in the Public Sector |
 | Bhoola | Nisha | Prof Manoj Maharaj | Master of Commerce | An Investigation of High School Learners using Mxit, and their Attitudes Towards Mobile Security Frameworks |
 | Brijlal | Neevendra | Prof Rembrandt Klopper | | Requirements for an Integrated Management Information System for the eThekwini Municipality's Business Support Unit |
 | Bulbulia | Zahra | Craig Blewett & Rose Quilling | Master of Commerce | The Impact of Web 2.0 on User Security Education |
 | Ca | Amediano Gomes | Prof. B. McArthur | Master of Commerce | Challenges in Implementing an e-Government Web Site in Guinea-Bissau |
 | Chettiar | Kesavan | Prof Manoj Maharaj | MBA | Developing a Conceptual Data Security Management Model for the Contact Centre Industry in South Africa |
 | Chetty | Vasuthaven | Indira Padayachee | Master of Commerce | |
 | Gokal | Hemraj | Prof Rembrandt Klopper | Master of Commerce | A Conceptual Framework for the Implementation of an e-Learning Strategy at the University of KwaZulu-Natal |
 | Haripersad | Reshav | Prof Rembrandt Klopper | Master of Commerce | The Conceptual Framework for Tracking the Emergence and Convergence of Digital Mobile Technologies |
 | Jere | Ntabeni | Prof Rembrandt Klopper | Master of Commerce | An Effective Deployment of Information Communication Technology to Rural Communities in South Africa |
 | Kundalram | Vedantha | S Ranjeeth/Prof B McArthur | Master of Commerce | |
 | Moodley | Carlos Cortez | Prof B McArthur | Master of Commerce | |
 | Mtawarira | Brian | Prof Manoj Maharaj | Master of Commerce | |
 | Ndayizigamiye | Patrick | Prof B McArthur | Master of Commerce | |
 | Pieterse | Gaye | R. Quilling | Master of Commerce | Web 2.0 Podcasting and Teenage Emotional Intelligence: A South African Case Study |
 | Piperis | Phillip | Prof Manoj Maharaj | MBA | Are Telkom SA's Monopolistic Practices Impacting on your SMME's Ability to Compete on a Global Scale? |
 | Ramgobin | Surika | M. Hughes and R. Hoskins | Master of Commerce | Web Search Strategies on the Web Used by Postgraduate Students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg Campus |
 | Ramharuk | Vikash | Ashley Marimuthu | Master of Commerce | |
 | Ramnarain | Amar | Prof Manoj Maharaj | Master of Commerce | |
 | Reddy | Natasha Verena | Prof B McArthur | Master of Commerce | |
 | Skea | Neil Mark | Prof Manoj Maharaj | Master of Commerce | South Africa's Migration to Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) |
 | Vanker | Cassim | | Master of Commerce | Investigating Software Asset Management Practices Among Selected Corporations in South Africa with a View to Instilling Best Practices |
 | Vanker | Faisal | | Master of Commerce | |